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LIRP: The Enhanced Funding Retirement Advantage

Now more than ever, I’m hearing how retirement income has become a big stressor for folks nearing that stage. 

Anyone who has googled “retirement planning” lately has experienced the same information overload. From 401ks to IRAs to ETFs and LIRPs – the acronyms keep coming.

There are countless ways to set yourself up for a comfortable and secure retirement. My firm specializes in enhanced funding: utilizing the value of your life insurance to build wealth for retirement.

If you’re interested in how a Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP), sometimes called Premium Financed Life Insurance, can better position you for retirement, keep reading.

The thing is, most people still don’t know about Premium Financed Life Insurance.

That’s where I come in–Enhanced Funding Solutions educates clients and creates lucrative, tax-advantaged investment vehicles using an asset you already own: your life insurance.

Life Insurance Retirement Plans (LIRPs) as Inflation Proof Investments

LIRPs, or PLFI as you might hear me say, work for the policyholder as a fixed asset.

This investment method offers guaranteed downside protection because it is unaffected by the market.

So, let’s start at the start: What is an LIRP?

Life Insurance Retirement Plans enhance the value of your life insurance with leverage (from a lender) to overfund your policy.  Then:

The overfunded plan accumulates interest, creating access to tax-free income for your retirement. 

The most notable benefit of Premium Financed Life Insurance is the fact that your money works FOR you. Rather than paying into premiums and never seeing that money again, you can contribute to the cash value alongside the lender’s additional capital and generate enhanced income.

This Forbes article about LIRPs includes a case study for extra insight.

Partner with an Expert

People who are “doing well” in their current cash flow and investments may feel confident in their situation.

What we’ve learned since 2008 is that many retirees and the soon-to-be retired have to continue working, for fear that their retirement plan isn’t enough, or the tax payments will be too much.

With an LIRP from Enhanced Funding Solutions, our clients receive a tailored solution.

Through our partnership, we establish an overfunded plan with the client’s individual retirement goals as the objective.

Is Premium Financing Your Insurance Policy Right for You?

A main concern I typically hear from clients is: they want to ensure they will have enough money. No matter the age you wish to retire, you certainly do not want to be forced to work. 

I agree with this mindset, and encourage everyone to dig into and question their current investments and retirement strategy.

It is crucial to know where your money is going, how and when you can access it, and associated taxes.

You are a good candidate to explore LIRPs and PFLIs if you:

  1. Add investments to your portfolio because you’ve maxed out current plan contributions

  2. Want to pay 0% taxes now and in retirement

  3. Supplement your established estate plans

  4. Have long-term care built into your life insurance plan

  5. Pay your beneficiaries in 0% tax-free income should sudden death occur

  6. Have a strong safety net investment

With this in mind, we can work together and turn your ideal retirement situation into and strategize how enhanced funding can make your retirement comfortable.


Above all, I want everyone–my clients or not–to feel secure about their future. 

Retirement plans mostly cover the money aspect, but when you feel great about your strategy, the stressors cease. Remember:

  1. Know your benefits. Pairing life insurance with a retirement plan (in something like an LIRP) is a low-risk investment that is tax-free.

  2. Your curiosity about your future, coupled with my expertise, will undoubtedly be a great partnership to further supplement your retirement portfolio. 

Learn more about how Enhanced Funding Solutions can help make your money work smarter and harder for you, reach out any time: or 773-318-9608.



901 N Lake Destiny Drive, STE 380

Maitland, FL 32751


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